This object is now not on display in the museum | |
Title | One day (een zomerdag) [serie van 7 etsen en 7 zeefdrukken] |
Artist | Eduard Flor (Boedapest 1925) |
Dating | 1971 - 1971 (in colophon) |
Material and technique | |
Object number | 17275/001a-007b |
Object type | |
Acquisition | aankoop 1971 |
Dimensions | hoogte (blad) 32.3 cm breedte (blad) 50 cm |
Inscriptions and markings |
Remarks | Cyclus van 7 kleurenzeefdrukken en 7 kleurenetsen, getiteld One Day (een zomerdag) in een kartonnen doos met zwart linnen beplakt en met perspex deksel. Los blad met colophon in deze doos: Colophon 7 coloured etchings from Eduard Flor. Text: Eduard Flor. Publisher: Printshop, Amsterdam 1971. 55 editions numbered from 1/55 to 55/55, 10 loose suites and 2 artist's proofs. Paper: Koperdiepdruk from Van Gelder and Sons N.V., 370 grms white Velin. The etchings and text were printed by Piet Clement, Amsterdam. Eppinga, Amsterdam provided the box and Stenor Total Activity, Maarssen the perspex lid. Data: Mc Graw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology (1960). W.P.-Atlas van het heelal by Br. Ernst and Tj. E. de Vries, Elsevier (1958). Texts:International Herald Tribune, Paris, Saturday-Sunday, July 25-26, 1970. Poetry: Eduard Flor, manuscript 1969, translation Frank Diamond. Pharao Amen-hotep IV (Akh-en-Athon), 1380-1362 BC "The Hymn to the Aton", translation John A. Wilson from ancient near eastern texts, relating to the Old Testament, edited by James B. Prichard. Princeton University Press (1950). Kyorai, translation R.H. Blyth, from a history of Haiku, part one by R.H. Blyth, Tokyo (1963). This is number: 25 |
Documentation |
Exhibitions |
Persistent url | To refer to this object please use the following persistent URL: |
Questions? | Do you have a remark or extra information on this object? Please let us know! |