The story of Io, who is abducted by Jupiter and changes into a white heifer, is described in the Metamorphoses (1-8 BC) by the Roman poet Ovid. Jupiter’s wife Juno gives Argus, who has a hundred eyes, the task of watching over the cow. Mercury then decapitates Argus and places his eyes in the tail of the peacock. This painting is the earliest depiction of the fable to come from the Northern Netherlands. High in the air, we see Mercury flying in. On the hill, left of centre, he is showing the severed head of Argus.
The story of Io, who is abducted by Jupiter and changes into a white heifer, is described in the Metamorphoses (1-8 BC) by the Roman poet Ovid. Jupiter’s wife Juno gives Argus, who has a hundred eyes, the task of watching over the cow. Mercury then decapitates Argus and places his eyes in the tail of the peacock. This painting is the earliest depiction of the fable to come from the Northern Netherlands. High in the air, we see Mercury flying in. On the hill, left of centre, he is showing the severed head of Argus.
Mercurius komt overeen met een fluitspelende figuur op een aan Hendrick Goltzius toegeschreven tekening. Zie veiling Christie's, Amsterdam 15-11-1983, cat. nr. 27, p. 11, afb. 10.
"Het Gedroomde Land" : peintures pastorales de l'âge d'or hollandais, [préf. Sjarel Ex, Paul Reiles] ; [essai Jos de Meyere], (Luxemburg, 1993), cat. nr. 9
A Selection of Important Paintings by Old and Modern Masters from our 1981 Collection, cat. Robert Noortman Gallery, Londen, 1981, cat. nr. 4 met afb.
Abraham Bloemaert and his sons, Marcel G. Roethlisberger, Marten Jan Bok, (Doornspijk, 1993), dl. I, cat. nr. 22; dl. II, afb. 51