Glas van de Compagnie ‘t Fortuyn

Glas van de Compagnie ‘t Fortuyn

This engraved glass was made in order to toast the health of the division of the citizen’s militia known as ‘t Fortuyn Company. This company was one of the eight divisions that comprised Utrecht’s civic militia. These militias originated in the Middle Ages and went through periods of growth and decline. In 1780, at the time when the glass was made, the militia was flourishing under the influence of the revolutionary Patriots’ movement. The militia was charged with keeping the public order and defending the city in an emergency. It was only dissolved in the early twentieth century. On one side the glass shows the city of Utrecht’s coat of arms, supported by two lions, with a flag and two garlands of flowers. On the other side stands the legend ‘DE COMPAGNIE FORTUIN’ (The Fortune Company) with the symbol of Fortuna sitting on a globe.

This engraved glass was made in order to toast the health of the division of the citizen’s militia known as ‘t Fortuyn Company. This company was one of the eight divisions that comprised Utrecht’s civic militia. These militias originated in the Middle Ages and went through periods of growth and decline. In 1780, at the time when the glass was made, the militia was flourishing under the influence of the revolutionary Patriots’ movement. The militia was charged with keeping the public order and defending the city in an emergency. It was only dissolved in the early twentieth century. On one side the glass shows the city of Utrecht’s coat of arms, supported by two lions, with a flag and two garlands of flowers. On the other side stands the legend ‘DE COMPAGNIE FORTUIN’ (The Fortune Company) with the symbol of Fortuna sitting on a globe.

This object is now not on display in the museum


Glas van de Compagnie ‘t Fortuyn



1780 - 1790

Material and technique

loodglas, radgravure

Object number


Object type

glas, drinkglas, gelegenheidsglas


aankoop 2006


hoogte 20 cm

diameter (kelk) 8.8 cm

diameter (voet) 8 cm

Inscriptions and markings

  • opschrift op banderol op kelk (gegraveerd): DE COMPAGNIE FORTUIN


verdedigingswezen (schutterij) (Utrecht) (bestuur)


Habsburgse tijd en Republiek 1528-1795

More of the same motif

personificatie, Fortuna, stadswapen Utrecht


Het glas werd gemaakt voor de Utrechtse schutterscompagnie Fortuyn. De stad Utrecht was van eind 16de eeuw tot eind 18de eeuw verdeeld in acht wijken met elk een eigen schutterscompagnie. Fortuyn was één van deze compagnieën. Een ander glas met dezelfde gravering behoort tot de collectie van Museum Mr. Simon van Gijn, Dordrecht. Zie: Reino Liefkes, Museum Mr. Simon van Gijn, Catalogus van de glasverzameling, Dordrecht 1987, 86).


  • Stukken uit de krant : verhalen over 2000 jaar Utrecht, samenst. en tekst Renger de Bruin en Maarten Brinkman, ([Utrecht, 2009]), nr. 21.


  • De wereld van Utrecht. Topstukken uit vijf collecties, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, 2016 - 2022

  • Dit is het Centraal Museum! Topstukken uit de vijf collecties, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, 2012 - 2015

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