<B id=docs-internal-guid-4349d236-7fff-85a8-b4e7-d4183ec21a51 style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal"><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; TEXT-DECORATION: none; FONT-FAMILY: 'Helvetica Neue'; FONT-VARIANT: normal; VERTICAL-ALIGN: baseline; WHITE-SPACE: pre-wrap; FONT-WEIGHT: 400; COLOR: #000000; FONT-STYLE: normal; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent">Balthasar van der Ast was one of the most prolific still life painters in 17th-century Holland. His early work shows clear evidence of the influence of his teacher Ambrosius Bosschaert the Elder, but by the early 1720’s, van der Ast began to develop his own personal style. His compositions became bigger and more complex and depicted exotic fruits, shells, and insects. Here, the grasshopper adorning the Chinese porcelain bowl mirrors the ‘real’ grasshopper sitting on the shell to the right. </SPAN></B>