From fashion collection to virtual parade.


Jan 1, 1970

From fashion collection to virtual parade.

Virtual fashion shows, digital friendships and non-existing cover models: the dividing line between the real world and the virtual world is fading steadily. The Utrecht-based fashion collective Studio PMS (Puck Martens, Merle Kroezen and Suzanne Mulder) seeks to push the boundaries of both worlds. In the exhibition From Pattern to Polygon, they take the fashion collection of the Centraal Museum as a starting point to have a new look at fashion heritage. What opportunities do digital techniques offer to breathe new 'life' into crafts, knowledge and collections?

The exhibition is divided into three themes: Behind the Scenes, Step by Step and Adaptable with Centraal Museum’s fashion collection as the common denominator. Behind the Scenes offers a peek behind the scenes of the digital design process. In Step by Step, a number of pieces from Centraal Museum’s extensive historical and contemporary fashion collection have been reconstructed, digitized and transformed into the digital world: the ultimate bridge between the past and the present. In Adaptable, Studio PMS has teamed up with a new generation of designers who are shaping our current era. Together they reworked them and created new works of art. All museum objects have been reconstructed as high-quality 3D models with utmost care and respect, and they form the kick-off to the first-ever Dutch digital fashion archive. This way, the present can learn from the past… and vice versa.

With thanks to: Stephan Duquesnoy, Iris van Wees, Cornel Doornebosch, David Willems, Willem Stapel, Tess van Zalinge, Hoa Lieu, Caitlynn Schijff, Julie Merlino, Noah Strijbos, Nina Doll, Modemuze, Floatscans, Antal van Nie, Ivan Hidayat, Zeitguised, The Fabricant, Studio PMS

With thanks to: Stephan Duquesnoy, Iris van Wees, Cornel Doornebosch, David Willems, Willem Stapel, Tess van Zalinge, Hoa Lieu, Caitlynn Schijff, Julie Merlino, Noah Strijbos, Nina Doll, Modemuze, Floatscans, Antal van Nie, Ivan Hidayat, Zeitguised, The Fabricant, Studio PMS