Address & directions

Address & directions

The Centraal Museum is housed in a former medieval cloister at Agnietenstraat 1 in Utrecht.

The Centraal Museum is housed in a former medieval cloister at Agnietenstraat 1 in Utrecht.


Agnietenstraat 1, 3512 XA Utrecht 
Telefoon: +31(0)30-2362353 
Email: [email protected]


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By public transport

From Utrecht Centraal station, take bus line 2 to the Museumkwartier. For current public transport information, go to

By car


Limited paid parking is available in the immediate vicinity. It takes about 10 minutes to walk from either the Vaartsche Rijn or the Springweg car park to the Centraal Museum.

Park + Ride (P + R)

Would you like to avoid crowds, traffic-jams, parking stress or high parking prices? Park your car at one of Utrecht's P+R locations.
A day ticket costs €5 and you have an easy trip to the city centre and back by public transport. The P+R ticket is valid for a maximum of 5 people.
For more information, go to: